Autor: Wanda Dobrowolska-Parfieńczyk
Jubilee International Maritime and Logistic Conference of the 30th Anniversary od WISTA Poland. 'Are we ready for a new generation?’
30-th Anniversary WISTA Poland – CONFERENCE PROGRAM – Sponsors and Partners
W związku ze zbliżająca się konferencją z okazji trzydziestolecia WISTA Poland chcielibyśmy podziękować naszym sponsorom.
SAVE THE DATE 21.09.2023!
21/09/2023 SAVE THE DATE to participate in conference WISTA GOING ON … TO YOUNG On this conference WISTA Poland is to celebrate 30 years Anniversary of activity in Poland . On 21/09.2023 Conference titled „ARE WE READY FOR NEW GENERATION” WISTA Poland is to celebrate 30 th Anniversary of her activity in Poland too .…